Safe and Sound, by Nigel Williams
A prayer from St Edmund of Abingdon's Speculum Ecclesie, set to music for Rose and Ollie Madgwick, graduates of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford.

I thank you Lord Jesus Christ,
who has guarded me your
unworthy servant  through
this night,
protected, kept watch and
delivered me safe, sound and healthy to this hour,
and for all your other
blessings that you have bestowed on me just by your goodness,
who lives and reigns, God
through all ages, world
without end, Amen.
       Nigel Williams
Two-part duet; or mixed chorus with options for Alto and Bass soli, plus moments of optional SATB harmony. Organ or piano accompaniment. You may make use of the piano accompaniment from this page, played by Jocelyn Freeman.
from Speculum Ecclesie V

Gracias ago tibi, Domine Iesu Christe,
qui me indignum famulum tuum  in hac nocte custodisti, protexisti, visitasti sanum, salvum
et incolumem ad hanc horam pervenire fecisti,
et pro universis aliis beneficiis tuis, que michi tua sola bonitate contulisti.
Qui vivis et regnas Deus per
omnia secula seculorum, Amen.
     St Edmund of Abingdon
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